How To: Utilize Omni-channel Platforms

The final article in our how to series is about using multiple platforms; focusing on blogs, Youtube, and social media.

Having multiple channels or platforms that link back to your website can improve your traffic potential and reach substantially. Different platforms, such as a website, social media, Youtube, etc, all cater to different audiences through a variety of means. By taking advantage of the different kinds of reaches that these platforms offer, not only can you express yourself / your company in a variety of ways, but you can be sure to fully connect to your customers.

Just having these platforms isn’t enough to make them work for you. So how do you make having these different mediums work for you?

1. Blogs (Website)

There is more you can do with your website than what is typically thought of. Blogs are a great way of providing more details and engagement with customers, no matter what kind of website or business you are. How to make a blog work for you is to make sure to keep it relevant. Write about what your company does, the industry, more information on products, an extension of customer testimonials, etc. It is a great place to put both keywords and internal links back to other web pages. This is also a great way to ensure you are consistently updating and improving your site.

2. Youtube Videos

Youtube is a great asset for videos that will engage customers. Videos have higher levels of engagement when compared to written content, and YouTube remains a leader in video curation and sharing. There are a few different kinds of videos that you can create that will be able to relate back to your website, including product showcasing, customer testimonials, tutorials, etc. You can also embed Youtube videos into your blog and connect both platforms to one another.

3. Social Media

We all know social media has great reach and can improve the ease of reaching new customers. There are many kinds of social media that all have their own benefits and niches. Word-based content is better implemented on a platform like Twitter, whereas picture/ image-based can be posted on Instagram and Facebook and videos on Instagram and TikTok, etc. Finding the right platform for your company is vital, but no matter which one you pick, keep it consistent to what your website stands for and make sure it is connected to your website through an available links.


A website shouldn’t be a stand alone. Having other platforms and channels connecting back will improve your standing and reach; both of your website and company in general. That is only if each is utilized properly. Discover how having different channels can improve your website.

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